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Botox Lip Flip

Discover the secret to achieving fuller, more luscious lips without the need for invasive procedures. The Botox Lip Flip is a cutting-edge cosmetic technique that offers a subtle yet striking enhancement to your natural beauty. Unlike traditional lip augmentation methods, the Botox Lip Flip involves skillfully administering small amounts of Botox into the muscles surrounding the lips. This technique relaxes the muscles and causes the upper lip to gently "flip" upward, creating the appearance of increased volume and a poutier contour. The Botox Lip Flip is the ideal choice for individuals seeking a refined and natural-looking lip enhancement. It's perfect for those who desire a temporary boost in lip fullness without committing to more dramatic treatments. The procedure takes only a few minutes and involves minimal discomfort, offering a convenient way to achieve the lip look you've always wanted.

10 minutes


During your free consultation, you'll have the opportunity to discuss your goals, ask questions, and receive expert advice on the best treatments for your desired outcomes. Whether you're interested in skincare, rejuvenation, body contouring, or any of our other specialized services, our consultations are designed to provide you with clarity and confidence in your self-care decisions. Booking your free consultation is easy and convenient. Simply use our user-friendly online booking system to choose a date and time that suits you best. Our team is excited to partner with you on your journey to radiance and well-being. Experience the difference of a personalized approach to beauty and self-care. Book your free consultation today and take the first step toward discovering the transformative possibilities that await you at our medical spa.

Free · 10 minutes

Lipotropic Injection “Skinny Shot”

These injections, infused with a blend of essential nutrients, can help accelerate your body's natural fat-burning process, giving you the boost you need to achieve your desired results. Lipotropic injections are designed to target stubborn fat deposits, especially in areas that can be resistant to traditional weight loss efforts. By combining key amino acids, vitamins, and minerals, these injections enhance your metabolism, increase energy levels, and aid in the breakdown and elimination of fat cells. Benefits of Lipotropic Injections: Enhanced Fat Metabolism: Lipotropic injections contain compounds like Methionine, Inositol, and Choline that aid in the breakdown of fats, allowing your body to more efficiently utilize and burn them for energy. Increased Energy: As your metabolism gets a boost, you'll likely experience higher energy levels. This can contribute to improved workouts, increased physical activity, and an overall more active lifestyle. Targeted Fat Reduction: Lipotropic injections are particularly effective at targeting areas with stubborn fat, such as the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks, helping you achieve a more toned and sculpted appearance. Complementary to Healthy Habits: While lipotropic injections can provide significant support, they work best when combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise routine. They can be a valuable addition to your holistic approach to weight loss. Quick and Convenient: Lipotropic injections are a quick and virtually painless procedure that can be easily incorporated into your routine. There's no downtime, allowing you to resume your daily activities immediately. Customized Approach: Our experienced professionals personalize your lipotropic injection regimen to align with your weight loss goals and individual needs. Experience the Power of Lipotropic Injections: Elevate your weight loss journey with the remarkable benefits of lipotropic injections. Explore our website to learn more about the procedure, benefits, and answers to common questions. Join the ranks of those who have experienced the transformative effects of this supportive treatment and take the first step toward achieving a healthier, more vibrant you.

$25 · 5 minutes

Filler Dissolver

Hyaluronex filler dissolver is a revolutionary solution that empowers you to regain control of your appearance. If you're unsatisfied with the results of a previous dermal filler treatment, Hyaluronex offers a safe and effective way to reverse those effects and start anew. Sometimes, outcomes from dermal fillers may not align with your expectations. Hyaluronex filler dissolver is specifically formulated to break down hyaluronic acid-based fillers, the most common type of fillers used. Administered by our skilled professionals, this solution gently and selectively dissolves the filler substance, allowing you to reshape, refine, or completely remove previous enhancements. Your journey with Hyaluronex begins with a personalized consultation, during which our experts will discuss your concerns and desired outcomes. The dissolving process is typically quick and comfortable, offering you a fresh canvas to pursue your beauty goals once again.

$250 · 30 minutes

Kybella for Jawline/Double Chin

Kybella is a groundbreaking cosmetic treatment designed to address the appearance of submental fullness, commonly known as a "double chin." This non-surgical procedure offers a remarkable solution to sculpting and contouring the jawline, leading to a more defined and youthful profile. Ideal Candidate: A good candidate for Kybella is someone who wishes to reduce excess fat beneath the chin and achieve a more refined neck and jawline. Submental fullness can be influenced by factors such as genetics, aging, and weight fluctuations, and Kybella provides a non-invasive way to target and eliminate these fatty deposits. The treatment is suitable for individuals seeking to enhance their facial appearance without undergoing surgical procedures. How It Works: Kybella's active ingredient, deoxycholic acid, is a naturally occurring molecule that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected strategically into the submental area, Kybella disrupts fat cells, causing them to break down over time. These fat cells are then naturally processed and eliminated by the body, resulting in a slimmer, more sculpted chin and neck. Number of Treatments: The number of Kybella treatments required varies based on individual factors, including the amount of submental fullness and desired outcomes. While many individuals begin to see visible results after just a few sessions, optimal results are typically achieved with a series of treatments spaced several weeks apart. Our experienced professionals will create a customized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and goals. Recovery and Results: Kybella is known for its minimal downtime, allowing you to resume your daily activities shortly after treatment. Mild swelling, redness, or bruising may occur at the injection site, but these effects are usually temporary and subside quickly. As Kybella works to break down fat cells, you'll notice gradual improvements in your jawline's contour over the course of several weeks. Experience the Confidence of a Defined Jawline: Kybella offers an innovative and effective approach to achieving a more sculpted and confident appearance. Explore our website to learn more about the procedure, benefits, and answers to common questions. Join the ranks of those who have experienced the transformative effects of Kybella and take the first step toward unveiling a beautifully contoured jawline that radiates confidence.

$1,000 · 30 minutes

Neck Bands Botox

If you're concerned about the presence of prominent neck bands or "turkey neck," our skilled professionals have the expertise to rejuvenate and refresh your neck area, giving you the confidence to showcase your natural beauty. Benefits of Botox or Dysport for Neck Bands: Smoothed Neck Bands: Neck bands, caused by the platysma muscle becoming more prominent over time, can add years to your appearance. Botox or Dysport injections relax these muscles, resulting in smoother, more youthful-looking skin. Enhanced Neck Contours: By targeting the platysma muscles, these treatments can restore and enhance the natural contours of your neck. This can lead to a more defined and graceful neck profile. Non-Invasive Solution: Botox or Dysport treatments offer a non-surgical approach to addressing neck bands. The injections are quick, virtually painless, and require minimal downtime, making them a convenient option for those seeking noticeable results without extensive recovery. Tailored to Your Needs: Our experienced professionals personalize the treatment to your unique concerns and desired outcomes, ensuring that you achieve the most natural and effective results. Improved Overall Appearance: A rejuvenated neck can harmonize with your facial features and enhance your overall appearance, contributing to a more balanced and youthful look. Gradual and Natural-Looking Results: As the muscles gradually relax after treatment, you'll notice a subtle transformation that appears natural and not overdone.

20 minutes

Lip Fillers (Full Syringe)

Lip fillers, often comprised of hyaluronic acid, are meticulously injected to add volume, shape, and definition to your lips. This quick and virtually painless procedure offers a customized approach to achieving the lips you desire while preserving your unique facial features. Benefits of Lip Fillers: Natural-Looking Enhancement: Our lip filler treatments focus on creating natural results that enhance your beauty without looking overdone. We believe in accentuating your individuality while achieving the desired enhancement. Fuller Lips: If you've ever desired plumper, more voluminous lips, lip fillers can help you achieve that coveted look. Whether you're looking for a subtle boost or more dramatic fullness, our experts tailor the treatment to your preferences. Enhanced Shape and Definition: Lip fillers can address asymmetry, unevenness, or lack of definition in the lips. By strategically injecting filler, we create balanced and beautifully shaped lips that complement your features. Youthful Rejuvenation: As we age, lips can lose volume and appear thinner. Lip fillers restore lost volume, leading to a more youthful appearance and softer, smoother lip contours. Quick Procedure, Minimal Downtime: Lip filler treatments are quick, often taking less than an hour. There's minimal downtime, allowing you to resume your daily activities shortly after treatment. Personalized Approach: Our professionals take the time to understand your goals and preferences, tailoring the treatment to achieve the perfect lip enhancement that aligns with your vision. Temporary and Reversible: Hyaluronic acid fillers are temporary and gradually metabolize over time. This offers the flexibility to adjust your lip appearance in the future if desired.

$675 · 30 minutes

Cheek Filler

Cheeks play a pivotal role in framing your face and contributing to a youthful, contoured look. Over time, natural volume loss can lead to a sunken or less defined appearance. Our Cheek Filler services offer a non-surgical solution to restore volume, enhance contours, and rejuvenate your overall facial aesthetics. Our skilled professionals are dedicated to providing personalized Cheek Filler treatments that align with your unique facial structure and desired outcomes. Using advanced dermal fillers, we expertly augment the cheeks, creating a subtle and natural lift that complements your features. Recommended syringes for cheeks may vary from 2-4 syringes based on individual

$700 · 30 minutes

Jaw Definition Filler/Chin Filler

Jaw and chin filler treatments offer a range of transformative benefits that enhance your facial harmony and beauty. Whether you're seeking to add definition, balance asymmetry, or achieve a more youthful appearance, these procedures can be tailored to your unique goals. Here are some of the remarkable benefits of jaw and chin filler: Enhanced Definition: Jaw and chin filler treatments can sculpt and define the contours of your lower face. By adding volume to strategic areas, these treatments create a more prominent and aesthetically pleasing jawline and chin, enhancing your facial structure. Balance and Symmetry: For those with facial asymmetry or irregularities, jaw and chin filler can restore balance and proportion. By adding filler to one side or adjusting the projection of the chin, a skilled professional can create a more harmonious appearance. Youthful Rejuvenation: As we age, the loss of volume in the jaw and chin area can lead to sagging or a less defined profile. Fillers can help reverse this process by restoring volume, lifting the skin, and creating a more youthful appearance. Non-Surgical Solution: Jaw and chin filler treatments offer a non-surgical alternative to achieving a more defined and youthful lower face. This means minimal downtime and a quicker recovery compared to surgical options. Customizable Results: Every individual has unique facial features and goals. Jaw and chin filler treatments can be customized to suit your preferences, ensuring that the results align with your desired outcome while preserving your natural beauty. Quick and Convenient: Jaw and chin filler procedures are typically quick, often taking less than an hour. This makes them an ideal option for those with busy schedules who seek effective yet efficient beauty enhancements. Boosted Confidence: Achieving a more balanced and defined lower face can significantly boost your self-confidence. When you feel good about your appearance, it radiates in your interactions and overall demeanor. Temporary and Reversible: Hyaluronic acid-based fillers, commonly used for jaw and chin enhancements, are temporary and biodegradable. This means that if you're ever dissatisfied or wish to change your look, the effects of the filler will naturally diminish over time. Jaw and chin filler treatments offer a versatile and impactful way to transform your appearance. At our medical spa, our experienced professionals specialize in tailoring these treatments to your individual needs and aesthetic goals. Explore our website to learn more about the procedure, benefits, and answers to common questions. Join the ranks of those who have experienced the remarkable benefits of jaw and chin filler, and take the first step toward achieving your ideal facial harmony and beauty.

$750 · 30 minutes

Smile Lines Filler (Nasolabial Folds)

If you're seeking to address the appearance of nasolabial folds, commonly known as smile lines, our expert professionals offer a solution that restores a youthful and smoother appearance, allowing your radiant smile to take center stage. Benefits of Nasolabial Fold Filler: Smoothing Smile Lines: Nasolabial folds, which extend from the sides of the nose to the corners of the mouth, can become more pronounced with age. Our filler treatments gently fill and smooth these lines, revealing a more youthful and refined appearance. Restored Volume: As we age, the loss of facial volume can contribute to the deepening of smile lines. Nasolabial fold filler treatments restore lost volume, reducing the prominence of these lines and adding a plumpness that enhances your overall look. Natural-Looking Results: Our approach to nasolabial fold fillers emphasizes natural-looking results. By artfully injecting the filler, we enhance your features while preserving your unique facial expressions. Subtle Enhancement: The goal of nasolabial fold filler is to soften and subtly diminish smile lines while maintaining the natural contours of your face. This means that your smile remains as expressive as ever. Non-Surgical Solution: Nasolabial fold filler treatments offer a non-invasive alternative to surgical procedures. The injections are quick, virtually painless, and require minimal downtime. Personalized Treatment: Our experienced professionals tailor the treatment to your individual needs, ensuring that your nasolabial fold filler enhances your beauty in a way that complements your unique facial structure.

$675 · 30 minutes


Botox, short for Botulinum Toxin, is a revolutionary non-surgical procedure designed to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, revealing a more youthful and radiant you. This FDA-approved treatment is a favorite among individuals seeking a safe and effective way to refresh your look!

$10.50 · 15 minutes


Dysport, similar to Botox, is an FDA-approved injectable that harnesses the power of botulinum toxin to temporarily relax muscles and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. This non-invasive procedure is particularly effective in treating frown lines between the eyebrows, crow's feet, and forehead creases. Dysport is known for its quick results, often appearing within days, and its natural-looking effects that preserve your unique facial expressions. At our medical spa, we specialize in personalized Dysport treatments tailored to your distinct facial features and desired outcomes.

$4 · 20 minutes

Mini Lip Filler (1/2 Syringe)

Introducing the Mini Lip Flip, a delicate enhancement that adds a touch of allure to your lips using just half a syringe of dermal filler. This innovative treatment focuses on accentuating your natural beauty, delivering a more defined and youthful lip appearance. The Mini Lip Flip employs precise injections of dermal filler to slightly relax the muscles around the lips. This technique gently rolls the upper lip outward, creating the illusion of increased fullness and a beautifully enhanced pout. It's the perfect option for those seeking a subtle and refined enhancement without committing to a full lip augmentation.

$350 · 25 minutes

Full Face 'Tox: Contour and Slim

This revolutionary treatment is designed to provide you with a complete transformation by addressing multiple aspects of your facial appearance, including slimming, smoothing, and contouring. Slimming: Overactive muscles in the jawline can lead to the appearance of a squared or heavy face. Our Full-Face Botox procedure strategically targets these muscles, helping to reduce their size and slim down your facial contours. This can result in a more refined and elegant facial profile that exudes grace and sophistication. Smoothing: Wrinkles, fine lines, and creases can add years to your appearance. With Full-Face Botox, these age markers are effectively diminished as the treatment relaxes the muscles responsible for these lines. This leads to a smoother, rejuvenated complexion that restores a youthful vitality to your skin Contouring: A well-defined and sculpted face is often associated with beauty and grace. Full-Face Botox can help you achieve precisely that by enhancing and contouring specific areas of your face. Whether it's lifting the brows, refining the jawline, or accentuating the cheekbones, our procedure delivers natural-looking results that accentuate your unique features. By addressing slimming, smoothing, and contouring in a single procedure, our Full-Face Botox offers a comprehensive approach to your beauty goals. Our skilled professionals tailor the treatment to your individual needs, ensuring that you achieve the desired results while maintaining your distinct facial expressions. Experience the transformative benefits of Full-Face Botox and unlock a new level of confidence. Explore our website to learn more about the procedure, its advantages, and answers to common questions. Join countless individuals who have embraced the power of a full-face transformation, and take the first step toward unveiling a more radiant, refined, and confident version of yourself.

20 minutes

Fat Dissolving Injections (Lipolysis-Non-Invasive Lipo)

Our targeted fat dissolving injections can help you achieve a more contoured and sculpted appearance in areas such as the stomach, arms, thighs, love handles, back, and "bra fat." Say goodbye to these troublesome spots and hello to a more confident, refined you. How Targeted Fat Dissolving Injections Work: Precise Injections: Our skilled professionals strategically inject a specialized formulation of deoxycholic acid, into the specific areas with stubborn fat. Deoxycholic acid naturally occurs in the body and aids in breaking down dietary fat. Fat Cell Breakdown: This works by disrupting the cell membrane of fat cells. Once these fat cells are damaged, they are gradually metabolized and eliminated by the body's natural processes. Gradual Transformation: Over the course of several weeks, you'll notice a gradual reduction in the volume of fat in the treated area. As the fat cells are broken down, your body's contours become smoother and more refined. Customized Approach: Our experienced professionals tailor the treatment to your individual needs and goals, ensuring that your targeted fat dissolving injections are precisely administered to achieve your desired outcomes. Non-Invasive Solution: Targeted fat dissolving injections provide a non-surgical alternative to traditional fat reduction methods. There's minimal discomfort, no downtime, and quick results. Sculpted Results: Whether you're looking to slim down your stomach, tone your arms, refine your thighs, or address other trouble spots, these injections offer a sculpted transformation that aligns with your vision. Transform Your Contours with Targeted Fat Dissolving Injections! Each area is individually priced and evaluated based on your personal consultation. We recommend up to 3-4 sessions per area (spaced 4 weeks apart).

$650 · 15 minutes

Diamond Glow Facial (Signature)

Diamond Glow is an advanced skin-resurfacing treatment that combines exfoliation, extraction, and infusion of condition-specific serums (simultaneously) to improve skin health, function, and appearance. A patented, non-invasive treatment, Diamond Glow is fully customizable and the perfect solution to address a wide variety of skin concerns and conditions (aging, hyperpigmentation, acne, dry skin, etc.) and is suitable for all skin types and tones. The device uses encrusted diamond tips (available in 6 levels of abrasion) bound to stainless steel that allows safe treatment on the face including the lip and eye areas. Specially formulated Pro-Infusion Serums are delivered into the skin, quickly and efficiently, targeting your greatest skin concerns. This treatment series can be done individually, or we offer packages of 4 to 6 treatments scheduled one month apart. *Retail sold separately for take-home after-care and ongoing skincare regimen recommendations that are paired with Diamond Glow Diamond Glow is touted by celebrities, praised by the media, and loved by patients of the world's leading dermatologists all across the United States and all around the world.

$185 · 30 minutes

Skinvive Injectable-midface glow

$350 · 20 minutes

Tri-Immune Boost (Injection)

Enhances the immune system Boosts antibodies Stimulates the body’s natural defense Contributes to a healthy immune response Restores the optimal functioning of the body Combats fatigue Decreases inflammation Improves skin quality

$30 · 5 minutes

Chemical Peel: Skinmedica Illuminize

SkinMedica Illuminize Peel helps provide vibrant, radiant-looking skin after 1 session. This is the "lightest" peel and has minimal downtime.

$175 · 30 minutes

Chemical Peel: Vitalize

Skinmedica Vitalize Peel helps provide vibrant, radiant-looking skin with minimal downtime. This is the "moderate" peel. You'll see noticeable results after 1 treatment, full treatment recommendations for optimal results are 3-6. Ask us about package deals!

$220 · 30 minutes

Chemical Peel: Rejuvenate

SkinMedica Rejuvinize Peel This is the ULTIMATE of all peels. It smooths fine lines and wrinkles, noticeable results after 1 peel, compelling results after 3-6 sessions. Ask us about our package deals!

$315 · 30 minutes

Under eye filler

$700 · 30 minutes

Green Laser Fat Melting Treatment

green laser diodes designed to decrease fat in targeted areas of the body. When the lasers target a group of fat cells, they penetrate down to the fat cell wall, boring tiny pores into its surface. At the same time, they emulsify (melt) the fat inside of the cell. This permits the fats to pass through the pores, where the body's lymphatic system naturally disposes of them Targeted areas for treatment, 2-3 sessions per week for up to four weeks per area

$90 · 30 minutes

Liquid Facelift (Mid/Lower Face Fillers and Tox)

2 Options

Diamond Glow Facial - Premium

Diamond Glow Facial with add-ons including SkinMedica Eye Mask, SkinMedica Mask (Purifying, Calming, or Hydrating) or Jelly Mask, and Facial Steamer. TNS + HA5 provided after treatment.

$225 · 45 minutes

Teeth Whitening

Professional and high-quality teeth whitening treatments that deliver noticeable results after just one session. BB utilizes the latest technology and advanced whitening solutions, ensuring that you receive a safe and effective treatment that brightens your teeth by several shades. Our recommended package consists of three teeth whitening sessions to maximize the effectiveness and longevity of your results. This comprehensive approach allows for a deep and thorough whitening process, reducing the appearance of stains caused by food, beverages, smoking, and other factors that can dull your smile.

$95 · 40 minutes

Tirzepatide Medical Weight Loss

5 minutes



Kelly L (KLO)