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Reiki and Reading. It is a great way to become relaxed and release energy from your aura and your physical body. Clear you mind and heal old wounds. The while you are in that relaxed state we will do a reading. Using Tarot, Angels and my Intuitive gifts and mediumship.

$120 · 1 hour

Path to Heal

The Path to Heal is angelic healing that helps you remove all blocks to joy while taking you on a journey of self-discovery. The blocks are uncovered through muscle testing your energy utilizing The Path’s protocols. This exploration provides specific insight as to the origin of the blocks to joy. Then the angelic vibration of crystals, tuning forks and essential oils raise your vibration to love, releasing the blocks, enabling joy.

$90 · 1 hour

Intuitive reading and Path to Heal

A blend of the 2 modalities. When we do a intuitive reading and we find or identify a blockage within your energy, surroundings or something from your childhood. We will incorporate a Path to Heal session within the intuitive reading. So that we can understand and clear the blockage which in turn will help you open up and be ready to move forward.

$120 · 1 hour

The Works

Pick one: (1 hr) *Reiki *Aromatouch *Reflexology *IET Then pick one: (30 min) *The Path to Heal *Tarot *intuitive reading Then pick: (30 min) *Chakra Clearing Mediation with personal recording for you to have everyday. *Foot Detox That is 2 hrs of regrouping, clearing , shifting and awakening.

$222 · 2 hours

Intuitive Reading

$60 · 30 minutes

Intuitive Reading

A reading consists of a combination of Cards , intuition and/ or Mediumship. Sometimes we use all 3 and sometimes we use just one. If there is a preference that you have please let me know when booking by putting your request into the memo.

$90 · 1 hour

Reiki or IET

Once booked at the appointment we will talk and see which modality will fit what you need best. Reiki is a wonderful relaxing modality that I will use any of the tools I have to help balance you, crystals, oils, tuning forks etc. IET is Integrated energy Therapy. In this modality we use the energy of the Angels. We connect a heart link and "stir up" the negative , remove it and integrate into your energy the positive. Example: removing Threat and imprinting safety. Removing Guilt and imprinting innocence. These are removed from specific targeted places in your body.

$90 · 1 hour

Unite for Her

This is only for those who are registered with Unite for HER. UFH is committed to helping women diagnosed with breast cancer or ovarian cancer navigate their way through treatment by providing complementary therapies designed to promote physical and emotional wellness. Our goal is to be a continued resource and support system for those affected by breast or ovarian cancer This is a program that is offered through the Unite for Her organization. When scheduling please be sure to have your passport and be ready to relax and breath in a peaceful environment. I look forward to working with you for your highest and best!

Free · 1 hour 30 minutes


Judy Dingler