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Groupon Body Contouring
Body Contouring

Groupon Body Contouring

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1 hour

Body Contouring

Yoni Steaming

Yoni Steaming, also known as Vaginal Steaming, is the holistic practice of using the warmth of a gentle herbal steam to permeate the exterior of the vagina. During your treatment, you will simply sit on a sauna box that contains the burner and the herbal decoction and allow the steam to flow upwards. There are many conditions for which yoni steaming is indicated. Women have noticed that it can: Regulate Irregular and Absent Menstrual Cycles Increase Fertility Relieve Chronic Vaginal and Yeast Infections Reduce, and actually Melt, Fibroids Reduce Ovarian Cysts Relieve Uterine Pain Speed Weightloss Post Birth Assist with the Recovery from Vaginal Tear, Episiotomy, and C-Sections Ease Symptoms of Menopause Relieve Menstrual Pain Increase Sexual Desire and Lubrication Decrease Infection and Odor Detoxify the Womb Released Stored Negative Emotions Trapped in the Uterus Tone the Reproductive System Post-Birth Significantly Reduce Pain and Bloating due to Menstruation And we'd be remiss if we didn't mention the undeniable connection to the feminine that is reached during a Yoni Steam.

2 Options

Infrared Sauna Detox With Body Wraps

A Sauna Detox uses a body wrap concept to help detoxify the body of unwanted chemicals and break up fatty tissue deposits. The Sauna Blanket has two benefits, beauty and health. The Sauna Blanket will help lose pounds, inches, and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

2 Options

3 Butt lifts with Vacuum cups Muscle Stimulation

Non - Invasive Butt Lift Vacuum (Cup) butt therapy provides instant results and further lifts the buttocks by up to 70 percent. One session is the equivalent of 1,500 squats. Treatment requires 3 to 6 Sessions. EMS Muscle stimulation is high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy to target the muscles in your buttocks. The two paddles deliver energy to stimulate muscle contractions, working the supra-maximal muscles that are difficult to target through workouts alone

$225 · 55 minutes

Four Nonsurgical Butt Lift Sessions with EMS

Non - Invasive Butt Lift Vacuum (Cup) butt therapy provides instant results and further lifts the buttocks by up to 70 percent. One session is the equivalent of 1,500 squats. Treatment requires 3 to 6 Sessions. EMS Muscle stimulation is high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy to target the muscles in your buttocks. The two paddles deliver energy to stimulate muscle contractions, working the supra-maximal muscles that are difficult to target through workouts alone

$300 · 55 minutes

Chin Tightening 3 sessions

Using various methods including Radio frequency to tighten the chin and neck area

$75 · 30 minutes

Membership Appointments

This is for monthly, Semi annual and Annual Subscribers only to book their appointments. requires a signed agreement and paid membership to book a time.

Monthly $200 · 55 minutes

Ultrasonic Cavitation with Liquid Lipo 3 sessions

$400 · 1 hour

Ultrasonic Cavitation with Liquid Lipo 1 session

Instantly remove fat cell contents via ultrasound cavitation. FDA approved, non invasive, immediate results with each treatment. This procedure breaks apart fat deposits in your body. We Combine this treatment with our revolutionary UK developed Liquid Lipo Fat Dissolve. Liquid Lipo shrinks fat cells forcing the fat within out, which is flushed out by drinking water. It can be used on your chin, tummy, legs and arms amongst other areas, it has amazing results.

$200 · 1 hour

Pre-Paid Appointment

Free · 1 hour

Hair Restoration 8 weeks

Using Low Level Light and NOn Needle Mesotherapy with a MesoScalp Serum: This serum is designed for intensive scalp therapy. The ingredients within this serum help to naturally improve the hair follicles and the appearance of hair loss.  Electroporation, or no-needle mesotherapy, uses an electrical pulse to momentarily disrupt the cell membranes allowing products to enter into the deeper layers of the skin, enhancing the effects of active ingredients on the tissue. The membrane returns to its original structure when the electrical stimulation is over THE TREATMENT IS SPECIFICALLY RECOMMENDED TO: Women and men struggling with hair loss People under chronic stress, which may cause excess hair loss Women and men with hormonal disorders leading to hair loss – mesotherapy as a maintenance treatment until the hormonal level is rebalanced Women after pregnancy – pregnancy often increases hair loss Women in menopause Women and men who want to strengthen hair, especially at the turn of seasons when hair may fall out more intensely than on average WHAT IS THE EFFECT OF THE TREATMENT? The results of any hair restoration treatment always vary between individuals, but in most cases it will take 2 – 3 months before results are noticeable. Although some patients report good results within a few weeks of starting treatment, it’s better to allow three to six months for full effect of the treatment to develop. WILL I HAVE TO USE MEDICATION OR DIET SUPPLEMENTS AT HOME? NO, our hair restoration results are achieved by combining Low Level Light and Mesotherapy.

$600 · 1 hour

Fat Reduction Session

We will use whatever methods are necessary, Cavitation, Laser Lipo, Sauna Detox, Wood Therapy, Whole Body Vibration, Muscle Stimulation or all of the above. You will lose up to 4 inches and 10 pounds in the four sessions . We can provide a simple eating plan. .. You commit to us we will commit to you.

2 Options

Wood Therapy Session

$150 · 45 minutes

Cellulite Buster 5 sessions

Cellulite forms when fat cells beneath your skin (which, BTW, everyone has, regardless of what you eat or how frequently you exercise) push up against your skin's connective tissues, causing your skin to dimple or pucker. We have proven techniques a combination of Various modalities and therapy’s to combat visible cellulite. We also offer Powerful creams along with dry brushes and coffee scrubs for you to use in between sessions. This service takes multiple sessions and we do not do only one session.

$400 · 1 hour

Skin Tightening (1 area)

This modality as a stand alone treatment is for people who have a small amount of loose skin from weight loss. Great for Double Chins Radio-frequency skin tightening is an aesthetic technique that uses radio frequency energy to heat skin with the purpose of stimulating cutaneous collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid production in order to reduce the appearance of fine lines and loose skin

$175 · 30 minutes

Skin Tightening 1 area 4 Treatments

We use various methods to tighten Arms, Legs and Abdominal areas

$400 · 1 hour

Vibration Therapy

Whole-body and localized vibration therapy have a range of health benefits. For example, some people claim vibration therapy can help: increase bone density increase muscle mass improve circulation reduce joint pain reduce back pain alleviate stress boost metabolism Vibration Plate Machines Aid Weight Loss And Trim Abdominal Fat.

$30 · 15 minutes

Free Phone Consultation

Free · 30 minutes

Free In Person Consultation

Free · 30 minutes

Complete Cavi -Lipo Treatment Session (1 Area)

Instantly remove fat cell contents via ultrasound cavitation. FDA approved, non invasive, immediate results with each treatment. Cavi Lipo is a powerhouse combination of cavitation, RF skin tightening, Laser Lipo and vacuum therapy. Remove cellulite and tighten those stubborn saggy skin areas. 6 to 12 Sessions recommended depending on the area and the client.

5 Options

Fat Loss Thermogenesis w/Wood Therapy & Infared (3 sessions) (Sale)

Wood therapy is a vigorous technique that utilizes wooden, handheld tools, such as rolling pins and vacuum-suction cups to shape, stimulates lymphatic drainage and reduce cellulite & fat deposit Wood therapy is centuries old and originated in Asia. The technique of wood therapy has seen a surge in popularity, primarily in South America, where people call it maderoterapia. Madera is Spanish for wood. We combine Liquid Lipo Thermogenesis which is a revolutionary UK produced approved for worldwide distribution, Lipoma  dissolve gel. it is the only one of its kind in the world and is a topical agent that works in a similar manner to Liquid Lipo, but unlike its counterpart is for salon and clinic use only, this is because it is able to get through deeper layers of tissues to the Visceral fats, it can dissolve visceral fat and  Lipoma.  Infared light opens up and penetrates fat cells, and then liquefies the fat to make it easier to remove it and burn it as energy.

$300 · 50 minutes

Laser Lipo

Laser Lipo any area Laser Lipo is laser energy penetrating down to the fat cells and creates tiny holes in their membranes. This causes the fat cells to release their stored fatty acids, glycerol, and water into the body and then shrink, potentially resulting in lost inches. The body then flushes out the expelled fat-cell contents via the lymphatic system or burns them for energy.

2 Options


One Non-surgical Butt Lift Session With EMS

Non - Invasive Butt Lift Vacuum (Cup) butt therapy provides instant results and further lifts the buttocks by up to 70 percent. One session is the equivalent of 1,500 squats. Treatment requires 3 to 6 Sessions. EMS Muscle stimulation is high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy to target the muscles in your buttocks. The two paddles deliver energy to stimulate muscle contractions, working the supra-maximal muscles that are difficult to target through workouts alone

$124 · 30 minutes

One 30-minute Infared Sauna Session for one (burn 600 calories)

Our Infared Sauna Detox uses a body wrap concept to help detoxify the body of unwanted chemicals and break up fatty tissue deposits. The Sauna Blanket has two benefits, beauty and health. The Sauna Blanket will help lose pounds, inches, and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

2 Options
