Book an appointment

Initial Office Visit for New Patients

A comprehensive consultation that covers the patient’s medical history, current symptoms, physical examination, and potential treatment options.

$157.69 · 40 minutes

Shockwave Therapy for returning patients

A customized treatment for returning patients, using sound waves to treat various pain disorders affecting the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones.

$109.89 · 15 minutes

Re-Assessment for Existing Patients (90+ days or new complaint)

This service is specially designed for our patients who haven't been in the clinic for more than 90 days or are experiencing a new health issue. The primary focus of this session is to thoroughly reassess and update your health status and corresponding treatment plan.

$109.87 · 20 minutes

Laser Therapy for Returning Patient

A medical procedure that uses focused beams of light to treat various conditions affecting the soft tissues and joints. Laser therapy can reduce inflammation, pain, and scar tissue formation, as well as enhance blood circulation, cellular metabolism, and tissue regeneration

$109.87 · 15 minutes

Chiropractic Adjustments for Returning Patients

A follow-up visit that offers customized care and guidance for your spinal and joint health. The doctor will evaluate your improvement, address any new issues, and perform specific adjustments to enhance your posture, movement, and comfort.

$76.43 · 10 minutes

Custom Orthotics - Biomechanical Foot Support

Custom orthotics are tailor-made insoles designed to provide personalized support and comfort for the patient's feet. These biomechanical foot support devices address specific foot imbalances and abnormalities, helping to correct the patient's gait and alleviate discomfort associated with various foot, ankle, knee, hip, and lower back conditions. Crafted from high-quality materials, our custom orthotics are durable and designed to fit comfortably within the patient's everyday footwear, promoting better posture, stability, and overall foot health.

$489.69 · 20 minutes

Custom-Made Shoes with Orthotic Inserts - Advanced Comfort and Support

A unique service that offers tailor-made footwear and orthotic inserts for your feet. These shoes are made to fit your foot shape and size, using high-quality materials that last long and look great. The orthotic inserts are designed to correct your foot problems and provide comfort and support. These shoes help you improve your posture, balance, and foot health, while also being stylish and comfortable. They are suitable for people with specific foot conditions or those who want more comfort and support. Our custom-made shoes with orthotic inserts are the ultimate solution for your foot care needs.

$624.19 · 30 minutes

Shockwave Visit - New Client

A shockwave therapy visit involves a non-invasive treatment that uses pressure waves to stimulate the body's natural healing process, typically for musculoskeletal conditions. The client will experience short, intense energy waves directed to their affected areas, potentially leading to reduced pain and improved function.

$198.26 · 30 minutes

Laser Therapy - New Clients

During a new client visit for musculoskeletal conditions, we use advanced laser therapy techniques to target inflammation and pain, promoting cell regeneration and faster recovery. Our non-invasive approach offers precise treatment tailored to your unique condition, aiming for improved mobility and enhanced quality of life.

$198.26 · 40 minutes

Orthotic and Custom Footwear Assessment - New Client

A gait and foot posture assessment is a comprehensive examination that analyzes your walking mechanics and foot alignment to identify abnormalities. This evaluation informs the creation of custom orthotics and specialized footwear designed to rectify these issues, enhance comfort, and improve overall foot and body health.

$157.69 · 20 minutes

Orthotic Fitting

If we are fitting orthotics, please bring your shoes and take insert out of existing shoe for the fitting.

Free · 5 minutes

Results and Recommendations

A service that provides the patient with a detailed explanation of their test results and diagnosis, as well as a personalized treatment plan that may include chiropractic adjustments, traction, shockwave, or laser therapy. The doctor may also offer and perform a treatment during this visit, depending on the patient’s condition and preference. This service helps the patient understand their health status and options, and receive the best possible care. This visit typically includes a treatment in addition to reviewing the results of the examination, ensuring a comprehensive approach to the patient's health and wellness.

$76.43 · 15 minutes

Chiropractic Follow Up Visit 2 after Examination

Follow up visit to the initial (2)

$76.43 · 20 minutes

Chiropractic Follow Up Visit (3) - Review progress

Follow up visit to the initial (3)

$76.43 · 20 minutes

Health Coaching Session

Our chiropractic health coaching services are designed to complement our hands-on spinal adjustments and treatments, providing a holistic approach to patient care. This service includes personalized coaching on lifestyle modifications, exercise routines, and nutritional advice to enhance the effectiveness of chiropractic treatments and promote overall wellness. Key Features: - Personalized Lifestyle Guidance: Tailored recommendations to improve daily living, focusing on posture, ergonomic practices, and activity adjustments to support chiropractic care. - Exercise and Stretching Plans: Custom exercise programs that include spine-friendly workouts, stretches, and mobility exercises to enhance musculoskeletal health and prevent injuries. - Nutritional Counseling: Guidance on diet and nutrition to support spinal health, reduce inflammation, and promote healing, complementing the physical aspects of chiropractic care. - Regular Monitoring and Adjustments: Ongoing assessments to monitor progress and make adjustments to the care plan as needed, ensuring optimal outcomes and patient satisfaction.

$76.43 · 15 minutes

Chiropractic - TENS Therapy

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) Therapy TENS Therapy employs low-voltage electrical currents delivered via electrodes on the skin to alleviate pain. This non-invasive treatment enhances nerve function, blocks pain signals to the brain, and stimulates the production of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers. Ideal for managing various pain conditions such as back pain, arthritis, and injuries. Each session aims to provide significant pain relief and improve overall physical function.

$76.43 · 15 minutes


Cary Yurkiw

Dr. Cary Yurkiw, DC is a Chiropractor who provides Chiropractic and related services to patients in the Kelowna area. He also provides classes to educate people on health and lifestyle changes. He has written 2 books on Back and Neck Pain. Last, he is a consultant and helps other doctors and clinics to provide better care to their patients and change lives in their community.