Five Ways to Refresh Your Website for Fall

Could your website content use an update? Now that the summer heat is subsiding and the holiday rush is on the not-too-distant horizon, it’s a good time to take a look at your marketing strategy for the rest of 2018 and give your website a refresh for fall. Here are five ways you can spruce up your online strategy to help drive more traffic to your site for the new season.

1) Audit content

Take a look at the tone and direction of your current content - does it still align with your brand and mission? Think about creating the best website design by updating images and adding new photos that reflect your brand values and products/service. Make sure your website copyright info and contact details are up to date, so customers know that your website is current and active. Now could be a good time to check links are working and also take a look at older blog posts and see if there is a way to update them with topical content. This will help with SEO as Google will recognize that you have produced new and relevant content, which in turn will help your page rankings when people are searching for your business.

2) Add an about page

Let your customers know who you are - by adding a face to your business, you’re encouraging trust and communication. An About page is essential and is often the most frequently visited page on a website. Write one that captures your company’s voice and matches your mission. For example, if you pride yourself on friendly service at your salon then you want the tone on your About page to reflect that casual, approachable vibe. Tell the story of what inspired you to start your business, as well as any awards and accolades, and include a photo of yourself and your team. Include your contact details, so customers can easily get in touch.

3) Get testimonials

Happy customers like to share their experiences and if you’ve had positive feedback from a satisfied client, ask them if they are willing to be quoted on your website as a testimonial. Adding this ‘social proof’ of a great service can help boost sales and build relationships. Try to add as much detail to the testimonial as possible (with permission, of course). Full names and photos are more credible than “A Happy Customer”.

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4) Optimize images

Add new images and optimize existing ones by making sure you’ve included information such as an alt tag - this is alternative text that will appear if the images can’t be loaded and it’s important as search engines ‘read’ this alt text to look for keywords so it can help your page rankings and make your website more visible to potential customers who are searching for your services. Give images a descriptive name and make sure they are correctly sized with a high enough resolution that they will show clearly but a small enough file size that they will load quickly.

5) Change CTA buttons

Take a look at your analytics to see which call to action buttons are doing well. Try switching things up to see if it increases traction - maybe your blog buttons say ‘Click here’ and you could change them to ‘Read more’ to see if readers are enticed by the new copy.

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