Empowering you to create the life you truly deserve, taking you from where you are to where you want to be and to who you really are.
Price varies ・ 1 hr
Rahanni is a gentle, yet effective energy therapy that heals very deeply and helps with healing from fear and negativity, calming the racing mind, allowing you to live in the present moment.
CA$150.00 ・ 1 hr
Our physical body is alive because of the “Life Force Energy” that is flowing through it. If our Life Force is low or blocked, it affects our wellbeing and personal health. Reiki is an energy that works on the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual level. The technique increases one’s Life Force Energy that brings the body back into balance promoting a healthier life.
CA$150.00 ・ 1 hr
Unity Field Healing (UFH) is a new and futuristic Energy Medicine modality that supports healing and “bio-spiritual” transformation that deepens and strengthens our innate connection to heal and transform. Traditional energy therapies work to clear energy blockages. However, UFH works through the quantum field of energy of your personal DNA and uses a quantum field light template to re-calibrate an alignment to your deeper healing potential and personal evolution.
CA$150.00 ・ 1 hr
Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a light-touch bodywork that is non-invasive. CST seeks to release and relieve tension in the bones of the head, sacrum (lower back), and spinal column, known as the craniosacral system - by using gentle hand and finger pressure. This helps to remove blockages from the normal flow of the system and releases tensions deep in the body. Thus, the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the central nervous system can then be normalized and its functioning is improved.
CA$150.00 ・ 1 hr
This process of self-inquiry looks at our thoughts and beliefs compared to our life situations. Through this process we see those thoughts - beLIEfs are relatively powerless unless we believe them to be true and unconsciously attach to them. This allows us to see that we no longer have to believe our painful thoughts that keep us stuck in emotional suffering, judgment, self-defeating, and destructive behaviors often for years. Simply put, we can end our patterns, be more authentic, and see who we truly are when we can access our own inner peace.
CA$150.00 ・ 1 hr
Developed by Peter Levine, PhD, Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a therapeutic approach whereby somatic (meaning “of the body”) experiencing is based on the understanding that stressful and traumatic experiences can cause nervous system dysregulation and an inability to fully process and resolve these experiences. SE gently aids clients to tune into their physical body sensations to develop and increase the tolerance of difficult and suppressed emotions and the awareness of high levels of nervous system arousal. SE also helps address the physical and psychological symptoms of trauma and other mental health issues such as anxiety, depression and grief. SE builds capacity for the body to reconnect with its own innate healing responses thus releasing trapped emotional pain and trauma in the body. This allows the body to move into regulation and into the deeper truths of the experience - what Dr. Levine calls “the emergence of the inner mystic and ultimate healing”.
CA$175.00 ・ 1 hr
The effectiveness of Deep Brain Reorienting (DBR) lies in its ability to work with intense fragments of an experience at the level of the brainstem, with shock. DBR can significantly alleviate symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other trauma-related conditions especially for those who have struggled with traditional talk therapies. DBR does not require complete recollection of such, allowing for the resolution of emotional responses while offering profound and lasting healing.
CA$175.00 ・ 1 hr