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Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage uses firm pressure and slow strokes to massage deep layers of muscle and fascia, which is the connective tissue that surrounds your muscles.

1 hour

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massages uses firm pressure and slow strokes to massage deep layers of muscle and fascia, which is the connective tissue that surrounds your muscles.

1 hour 30 minutes

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage uses firm pressure and slow strokes to massage deep layers of muscle and fascia, which is the connective tissue that surrounds your muscles.

2 hours

Medical Massage

Medical Massage is result oriented and the treatment is specifically directed to resolve conditions that have been diagnosed and prescribed.

1 hour

Medical Massage

Medical Massage is result oriented and the treatment is specifically directed to resolve conditions that have been diagnosed and prescribed.

1 hour 30 minutes

Pre-Natal/Pregnancy Massage

Massage for pregnancy of 16 weeks or more. Less than 16 weeks requires a Doctors Letter.

1 hour

Sports Massage

Sports massage is a type of massage technique that focuses on treating soft tissue aches, pain and injuries that are associated with recreational activities. Massage can reduce muscle stiffness and improve relaxation by reducing heart rate and blood pressure.

1 hour

Sports Massage

Sports massage is a type of massage technique that focuses on treating soft tissue aches, pain and injuries that are associated with recreational activities. Massage can reduce muscle stiffness and improve relaxation by reducing heart rate and blood pressure.

1 hour 30 minutes

Swedish Massage

Swedish massage is great for full-body relaxation and can be very good for those trying to recover from injury & stress.

1 hour

Swedish Massage

Swedish massage is great for full-body relaxation and can be very good for those trying to recover from injury & stress.

1 hour 30 minutes

Visceral Manipulation

Visceral Manipulation Heals Pain, Digestion and Other Problems Your organs are soft and need to move inside your body to do their jobs. Visceral mobility is how well your organs can contract and release as needed. Overburdened or damaged organs can develop adhesions and scar tissue that makes them less pliable. Visceral manipulation involves abdominal massage that combines pressing, deep strokes, and friction to strip away the adhesions.

1 hour

Cold Laser Therapy

Laser treatments are administered directly to the skin, in order to avoid contact with eyes. Laser therapy has earned a reputation as being one of the safest, non-invasive treatment options on the market. In fact, medical lasers are approved by the FDA and they adhere to strict ISO standards. Laser therapy can be used for both acute and chronic conditions, including neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain and sciatica, arthritis, bursitis, disc injuries, TMJ, sports injuries, plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, migraines, soft tissue damage, and MORE!

15 minutes

Cold Laser Therapy

Laser treatments are administered directly to the skin, in order to avoid contact with eyes. Laser therapy has earned a reputation as being one of the safest, non-invasive treatment options on the market. In fact, medical lasers are approved by the FDA and they adhere to strict ISO standards. Laser therapy can be used for both acute and chronic conditions, including neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain and sciatica, arthritis, bursitis, disc injuries, TMJ, sports injuries, plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, migraines, soft tissue damage, and MORE!

30 minutes

BMS + Facial Massage

1 hour


Natalya Sedova