Book an appointment

Full Astrological Chart Analysis and Consultation

This is a full Astrological Natal Chart analysis and 90 minute recorded consultation, available in person or via Zoom. My intent is to focus on the “blueprints” of individuality, in order to help you understand elements of your inherent identity, latent potential and how to align with life lessons. There will be some analysis of current and short term transits. Please email me your birth data (date, place and time of birth) at least twodays in advance of the session date. *If this is a remote (Zoom) reading, please inform me in the notes at the time of booking, so that I’m prepared. You will receive a Zoom link via email shortly after. Thank you.

$200 · 1 hour 30 minutes

30 Minute Astro Highlights Natal Chart Reading

Intuitively and spontaneously, I will analyze the highlights of your natal birth chart. This is excellent if you’re not sure about getting a full, in-depth analysis, or if you’re interested in an brief, affordable and unique perspective on your chart. You must have a digital image of your natal birth chart or birth data on hand (Date, Exact Time and Location of Birth) at the time of reading. If this is booked online, please provide your birth data in the notes at the time of booking. 30 minute Astro Highlights Readings are only available in-person. 60 minute Readings are available via Zoom. Please note at time of booking if a reading is remote.

$60 · 30 minutes

Alchemical Hypnosis Session

An Alchemical Hypnosis session with Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Derek James Smith. Sessions last roughly two hours in duration and are available in-person only. Please email to schedule a free 10 minute phone or in-person consultation if you are not a returning client, so that we can discuss intent, questions and ensure we are the right fit for one another. Thank you.

$200 · 2 hours

Astrological Highlights and Tarot “Hybrid” Consultation

In this session I offer a brief, intuitive and spontaneous natal chart analysis that focuses on the chart’s highlights, followed by a Tarot reading that addresses questions which arise during the astrological portion of the session. This is excellent to experience multiple modalities in one session and to unearth meaningful questions that are discovered in the analysis of you birth chart. Please provide your birth data (date, place and time of birth) in the notes at the one of booking. *If this is a remote session via zoom, please let me know in the notes at the time of booking. I will send you a Zoom link shortly afterwards. Thank you.

$120 · 1 hour

15 Minute Tarot Card Consultation

This 15 Minute “Alignment” based Tarot Card Reading blends heart and mind to help bring conscious energy to the elements at play in decision-making and life alignment. Perfect for insight at a crossroads, Tarot readings are personal, accessible and productive. Due to the brief nature of this reading, I ask that you arrive on time and ready to begin. Thank you. Only 60 minute Tarot readings are available via Zoom.

$30 · 15 minutes

30 Minute Tarot Card Consultation

This “Alignment” based Tarot Card Reading blends heart and mind to help bring conscious energy to the elements at play in decision-making and life alignment. Perfect for insight at a crossroads, Tarot readings are personal, accessible and productive. Only 60 minute Tarot readings are available via Zoom.

$60 · 30 minutes

60 Minute Tarot Card Consultation

This “Alignment” based Tarot Card Reading blends heart and mind to help bring conscious energy to the elements at play in decision-making and life alignment. Perfect for insight at a crossroads, Tarot readings are personal, accessible and productive. Available in person or via zoom. *If this is a remote (Zoom) reading, please inform me at the time of booking in the notes, so that I’m prepared. I will send you a Zoom link via email shortly after. Thank you.

$120 · 1 hour

60 Minute Astro Highlights Natal Chart Reading

Intuitively and spontaneously, I will analyze the highlights of your natal birth chart. This is excellent if you’re not sure about getting a full, in-depth analysis, or if you’re interested in an brief, affordable and unique perspective on your chart. You must have a digital image of your natal birth chart or birth data on hand (Date, Exact Time and Location of Birth) at the time of reading. If this is booked online, please provide your birth data in the notes at the time of booking. 30 minute Astro Highlights Readings are only available in-person. 60 minute Readings are available via Zoom. Please note at time of booking if a reading is remote.

$120 · 1 hour

10 Minute Divinatory Dice Reading

This 10 minute, “rapid fire”consultation uses house-made Astrological Dice representing one of twelve planets, astrological houses and zodiac symbols. Each roll casts a horoscope and offers divinatory reflections for whatever questions you may have. Use all 10 minutes to dive deeply into one subject or ask questions about various aspects of your life. If you want an affordable, quick method to find direction and alignment in a playful way, this is it. Only available in-person. Please arrive on time and ready to roll.

$20 · 10 minutes

Comprehensive 12 House Tarot Reading

In this 90 minute Tarot Reading we will explore the twelve Astrological Houses, or “areas of life experience,” drawing a card for each house placement. This is a comprehensive reading for someone who feels drawn to look at the broad spectrum of their life, through various areas of experience such as home, partnership and profession. The goal is to receive guidance on how to concentrate conscious awareness on each area. Each house is briefly explained before drawing a card, and the spread progresses in a circle until each house is addressed. If you wish to do a remote reading, please let me know in the notes at the time of booking and I will send you a Zoom link via email shortly afterwards. Thank you.

$150 · 1 hour 30 minutes

15 Minutes to Peruse the SHOP

Block off some time to make sure I’m available and come check out the shop!

Free · 15 minutes

Tarot Transmission Phone Session

15 Minute Tarot Reading over the phone. Simply book, leave your phone number in the “Notes” and I will call you at the appointment time. Great for check-ins and questions on the run.

$20 · 15 minutes

30 Minute Puppet Divination with Tollzar

Come face to face with the Guru himself - Tollzar, the Odd Dimensional Being Mystic, as he uses the Tarot and various other symbolic systems to off you a lens into the workings of your current situation. * The time can be split between multiple people or in a joint reading.

$75 · 30 minutes

15 Minute Puppet Divination with Tollzar

Come face to face with the Guru himself - Tollzar, the Odd Dimensional Being Mystic, as he uses the Tarot and various other symbolic systems to off you a lens into the workings of your current situation. * Time may be split between multiple people of used as a joint reading.

$40 · 15 minutes

Astrological Composite Chart Reading

This in depth, relationship based astrological reading analyzes and compares two natal charts and a third “composite” chart using the midpoint method. Gain insight into the shared narratives, motivations and collective lessons of any relationship. Compare journeys, empathize and harmonize from a greater understanding. *please leave both party’s birth data (exact time, date and location) in the notes section upon booking

$250 · 2 hours


Derek Smith