Book an appointment

Introduction Call

Schedule your initial introduction call with the doctor to determine if our programs are the right fit for your case and get answers to your basic questions. Your fee will be applied towards your care if done within 30 day. Please note: refunds are not available for missed appointments. Book your appointment now to take the first step towards optimal health.

$125 · 20 minutes

In-Depth Consultation: Phone

Reframe your health journey with an in-depth consultation session with the doctor. This consultation serves as a vital step in understanding your unique health needs and goals. This session provides personalized attention to uncover the intricacies of your health concerns. Limited spots are available weekly, and the consultation fee is an investment towards your tailored care program if done within 30 days. Experience the opportunity to gain clarity and direction as you embark on your path towards holistic wellness.

$597 · 1 hour


Aristotle Wellness