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Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression

Multiple Past Lives Regression

An in-depth interview, to discuss the question you would like answers to, on health, finances, relationships, karma, purpose and the future. Followed by a deep relaxation meditation, and into a past life memory, earlier present life memory, spirit or energy experience, future life potentiality, and into multiple lifetimes. To find and release negative patterns, to assist in deep healing, and much more. A discussion afterwards on the experiences, how they apply to the present life and moving forward.

$400 · 3 hours

Inner Child/ Parent Healing Hypnosis

In this session we do a short interview. Then a deep relaxation meditation and into healing, understanding, releasing, and integrating our inner child / parent in our psyche. Then into the stable, strong, compassionate inner adult. We then come back up and discuss the experience. This session will be done over Zoom and you will be given the session recording afterwards. Session can take up to 90 minutes. Set a time and place you can sit or lie down comfortably, and won't be disturbed for the 90 minutes.

$200 · 1 hour 30 minutes

Past Life Regression

•We start with a short interview and explanation of what to expect. •Then you close your eyes and relax while listening to my voice, you will be guided into your past lives and deeper experiences. •When we have completed the experience you will be able to share your experiences and ask questions. •We will talk about he steps to move forward, and that will complete the session. Between 60 and 90 minutes. •The session recording will be sent to you by email.

$150 · 1 hour 30 minutes

Doug Barlow