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2 Options


The SculptorRx™️ Muscle Enhancement is a complete equipment that tones, lifts, and refines muscles for a slimmer and a more firm look. It contracts and relaxes muscles in intervals, which tones muscles to a threshold that will not cause undesired muscle mass gain. In addition, it stimulates collagen and elastin production, which are structural proteins for a healthy skin.

4 Options

Plasma Fibroblast Treatment

Plasma fibroblast creates sparks to the skin cause this skin to shrink for a tighter, more lifted look.

25 Options

Laserlipo Slimming

$159 $159 · 30 minutes

CBD Body Treatments

Using high quality CBD full spectrum oil. Body wraps help to detox and absorb the full benefits of CBD to reduce pain and inflammation. Body therapy helps exfoliate, alleviate tension and reduce stress.

2 Options

Advanced Facials

Refresh and renew the skin to achieve a more glowing complexion. A great choice for any time of year, these unique facials provide much needed nutrients and oxygen to depleted, dry skin and aging skin by increasing circulation and stimulating the skin. Reducing pigmentation, detoxifying tissues and brightening the skin tone, these energizing facials also helps fight free radical damage to prevent premature aging.

5 Options

Lash Extensions

Eyelash Extentions are sure to give them something to talk about. These Eyelash extensions will last for 3-5 weeks with minimal fill-ins if taken care of properly and cleaned gently.

9 Options
