Book an appointment

Craniosacral Therapy/Visceral Manipulation

A Craniosacral Therapy and/or Visceral Manipulation session designed to your specific needs.

$170 · 1 hour

Lymph Drainage Therapy

Manual Lymph Drainage is used for detoxification, sluggish immune system, inflammation,edema,scar tissue, sinusitis, post chemotherapy and radiation, migraines, autoimmune disorders, mastectomy, and certain elective procedures. Lymph drainage for Brazillian Butt Lifts are not performed.

$170 · 1 hour

Gift Certificate

Give a friend or a family member a gift certificate of Craniosacral Therapy. They will love you for it!

$170 · 1 hour

5 Sessions Package

Save $150 when you purchase a 5 sessions package. These sessions are valid for 12 months from time of purchase. No refunds.

$700 · 1 hour


Ula Katsoulis