Private Coaching (In Studio)
Private Lessons and Coaching. IN STUDIO ONLY.
Price varies ・ 30 min+
Taping Services (In Studio)
Book Verve's Space for your Eco-Cast Live/Remote Live audition. Includes pre-hung 3-point lighting, standing desk, tripod, wi-fi. Optional: laptop and webcam. IN STUDIO ONLY.
Actor to provide Zoom/Actors Access login credentials.
Actor may use pwn phone/tablet/laptop, or Verve's.
Background is gray, with optional sky blue curtain.
Price varies ・ 45 min+
Are you an experience VO actor and need a quiet place to record? Rent Verve's Whisper Room to audio record yourself. Rental includes Whisper Room, Rode NT1 mic, Scarlett Pre-Amp. User provides own DAW. No engineer. Ethernet connection available.
Price varies ・ 1 hr+
Video auditions include the use of camera, lighting, sound, reader off camera, and post-production (compression and delivery of file). Verve's backdrop is blue. Actors are asked to come camera and performance ready. IN STUDIO. If you don't see a day and a time that works, please e-mail New student: include studio registration fee. Optional add ons: Coaching & TelePrompTer (direct to camera spots only). IN STUDIO ONLY.
Price varies ・ 15 min+
Audio recordings include the use of professional audio recording & editing equipment and delivery of mp3 file. IN STUDIO ONLY. If you don't see a time that works for you, please e-mail
Price varies ・ 15 min+
A good screenplay has great dialogue and visual descriptions and tells a complete story! Cadettes will learn the fundamentals of screenwriting as well as start on drafting their own micro-short screenplay during this workshop! Participants will receive a guide to screenwriting handout and a fun patch.
This is a 3-hour workshop.
$30 each participant * Workshops require a minimum of 8 participants and maximum of 20.
Available on Zoom or In Studio
Public Speaking is ranked as one of the biggest fears. Learn skills, techniques (and some tricks) to help speak in front of groups of all sizes with confidence!
This is a 3-hour workshop. $30 each participant.* Workshops require a minimum of 8 participants and maximum of 20.
Available on Zoom or In Studio
Verve provides a fun patch; Girl Scout badges to be provided by the participating troop. . If under the minimum number, please contact us to make alternate arrangements. Troops may combine participants to meet the minimum.
Cadettes will learn about filmmaking as well as MAKE their own micro-short film during this workshop! Prior to the workshop, the troop will select a script from the provided options (or use the one your troop wrote in the screenwriter workshop!) At the workshop, Cadettes will learn about the pre-production, production and post-production process of making a digital short film and will act and crew the shoot using professional equipment. The completed film will be edited and a digital copy provided to the troop. (In some cases, the editing will be completed by Verve staff after the workshop is completed.)
This is a 4-hour workshop. $50 each participant* Workshops require a minimum of 8 participants and maximum of 20.
Available In Studio only.
Participants will receive a guide to filmmaking handout, a digital copy of the film and a fun patch.
Price varies ・ 3 hr+
ZOOM Taping Services and Coaching
This complimentary 15-mn ZOOM appointment is ONLY for those 12 students that just completed the Acting Foundations: Core class.
Free ・ 15 min
We'll be your virtual reader and use Zoom to record your audition. We'll process the video, edit and send you the files to submit for your audition. Time booked includes 75% for rehearsing and recording and 25% for editing/processing video. Add coaching for $15.
NOTE: We must end the Zoom call in order to process the video.
NOTE: You should still have a back-drop and lighting fully set up.
NOTE: Requires only one device connected to Zoom with your camera framed up on you.
NOTE: The video quality is only as good as your internet connection.
If you don't see an appointment time that works with your schedule, please e-mail
Price varies ・ 30 min+
Private Lessons/Coaching ZOOM ONLY.
Price varies ・ 30 min+
We'll be your virtual reader if you have a set-up to record at home! You can add coaching for $15.
NOTE: You should set up 2 devices. One to record yourself and one to connect to Zoom with us.
NOTE: We do not record the session with this appointment type.
If you don't see an appointment time that works with your schedule, please e-mail
Price varies ・ 30 min+